Solar Installation

From solar panel installation to EV charge points, Redside can help. Why not drop us a line to arrange a chat about how we can help you produce your own power?

Solar Panels on Roof

Impact Moling

Want to save digging trenches to upgrade your water main? Well with moling we can make small holes either end of the project and with a lot less mess.

Redside team holding a impact mole.

Drone Surveying

Scaffold free inspections, identify potential hazards or failings that could be easily rectified, saving you time, money and even business. We offer detailed 4K video footage that could lower your insurance premiums.

Drone surveying

Tool Hire

From Acrow Props, Tressles to Cement Mixers, if you need something for that one job but don’t need it permanently then let us help.

Cement Mixer Hire

Get in touch

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